Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas, christmas time is here!

Merry Christmas! I'm Sydney Holcomb reporting live from Gabe Steagall's house in Oregon. I'm having a blast! So, Christmas is almost here and I bet everyone has a giant big list that you want. Hey, I can't deny that I like all those gifts, but in the Christmas spirit try thinking about others and the true meaning of Christmas. The greatest gift we could ever recieve was the birth of Jesus. Merry Christmas and try helping someone this year!

Wow, It's been a while since I've posted! Summer was amazing! Now school is back in and I'm stumbling through junior high again :( Halloween was the bomb. I had about 5 different costumes! At school and at my church's trunk or treat I was Chucky. I had my overall's with my hair sprayed orange with scars on my face. I looked pretty freaky but people mistaked me for a scarecrow. Then at my church dance I was a princess with my mom's prom dress. It was alot of fun. Trick or treating I was dressed as a little kids with my disney hoodie, disney mickey ears, and my hair in pig tails. Then durring Christmas break a played a prank on my crush. I know what your thinking...Why would you prank the guy you like? Weeellll, it was because I was bored. I sent him text messages pretending to be this girl named Annabell Lorain. My friend accidently told him it was me and suprisingly he just thought it was funny. Well, now it's Christmas and I'm having a really good time. I am at my life long friends house, Gabe, in oregon and we just went to Circle K for slurpies. MAN! Are those good! I havnt had one in forever! I got Blue Rasberry mixed with Lemonade. Yummmmmm..... Yeah so now I'm in Gabes house's computer and am writing this! Weeellll, Hope you had a good time reading! Fly on, Sydney LaRee

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Wow, so much stuff has happened this summer. A week after school got out I went on something called Trek. It's when you dress up as a pioneer and push a handcart like the pioneers did. I thought it was going to suck, I mean come on, who wants to walk in the hot sun with layers of clothes on being all sweaty and stinky for four days? Not me! But, I had a great fake family and had lot's of fun. I was pretty much adopted into my friend Sammi's fake family (her family is AWSOME). We sang funny songs and played fun pioneer games. Then 9 hours after I got back from trek I flew to C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A! OH YAH! We went to disney land for 6 days and hung out at hot beaches. It was the bomb. My mom made my family cool shirts and took 5 million pictures. I went to Wild Waves yesterday and hung out with my besties Ally, Sammi, and Chase. Fun fun fun. Tommorow I am going to Hawaii. In 16 days I will be going to girls camp with all my buddies, in 25 day's I will be meeting hottie mormon boys at EFY, 52 days I will be and eighth grader, in 63 days I will be 14 going to awsome church dances with cute boys of course(; so many things to look foward to!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

HHey im just at my house wiht my buddy courtney! SCHOOLS OUT

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wow I feel like I havn't updated my blog in a long time! Since I'm all for the Italian I'm going to post my post in.... ITALIAN!! Oh, i just love Italian. I can't wait till i go to Rome and explore the beautiful land of Italy. Ohhhhh, I hope they have pizza! Just kidding.Thanks for visting my blog and please tell people about it. Also visit
Thanks with love,
Sydney LaRee

Wow mi sento come se io non mi ero aggiornato il mio blog in un lungo tempo! Dal momento che sono tutti per l'italiano ho intenzione di inviare il mio post dentro ... ITALIANO! Oh, ho solo l'amore italiana. Non posso aspettare fino al mio andare a Roma ed esplorare la bella terra d'Italia. Ohhhhh, spero abbiano la pizza! Proprio kidding.Thanks per visitare il mio blog e vi prego di dire alla gente su di esso. Visita anche
Grazie con amore,
Sydney LaRee

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I've got a question.....
who has seen The Last Song
who has seen Clash of the Titans?
Why do you like it or why do you dislike it?

My interesting week

Just decorated eggs with my family! LOTS and LOTS of fun. Most of my eggs are colored on about eggs, i guess that proves how much of a nerd i am! :) We also threw a birthday party for my cousin Logan who's turning 8 on monday. He had a vanila cake with a transformer design; it turned my lips, teeth, and tongue black! EWWW! The cake was good though. My sister kept trying to sneek a picture of me with my black mouth and my grandpa tried to help and ended up with a picture of my arm. You are probably thinking, who cares its you arm! But, thats not the bad part, my uncle didn't know it was my arm and asked " Whos hairy arm is THAT?" It made me feel VERY special and beautiful. :/ It was funny though. Yesterday i was on my way back from my week in Oregon when we stoped at RedRobins for lunch. When we were leaving i bent over to role up my pant so that they won't get wet and when i stood up i smacked my head on a fire alarm. No it didn't go off, but yes it hurt. All week all i did was shop, watch T.V., sleep, and read; it was AWSOME!! I had a great time with the greatest grandparents, Popo and Momo. Love ya Po and Mo! They seriously are the greatest. I feel like such a spoiled girl when i'm with them, but thats not why i love them so much. We had a great time pigin out on the greatest cookies ever made by Momo. I finished the 5th Fablehaven book which by the way ROCKED!!! I stayed up till 2:00 in the morning and read all day. I finished it in 2 days. I am so mad because i was trying to finish it before my brother and he finished it 12 hours before me. BUT, it took him a week and only took me 2 days. Wow this is a long post so i think im gunna end it. Love you all tons!


Friday, April 2, 2010

My christmas pic old but i cant forget christmas!
Im the cute one in the middle!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Yesterday i went to seattle to see Brandon Mull, author of Fablehaven, it was AWSOME! Got tons of stuff signed.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Email me, facebook me, call me, do what ever. TALK TO ME!

Sydney LaRee

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If YOU were a teen in love with books you would understand why I am so concerned about max and fang! UHG I AM SOOOO SAD!!!
Fang just came out. If feal like i could start crying, it is sooooo sad. If anyone thought that when edward left bella was sad this is 1 million times as sad. I got to stop thinking about it or i might cry. MAX + FANG = 2GETHER 4 EVER *im crying* :( <3

Max and Fangs biggest fan,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

SOOOO happy! One more day untill Fang comes out!! Ok, so for a Young Womens activity we were making T-shirts. Thanks to Diana Gardener my shirt design was AWSOME!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


The 6th book in the Maximum Ride series is coming out! It is the best series and i am pretty sure this will be the best book in it. If you havn't read the series you should start and if you have be prepared for the best book EVER! So far my favorites out of all the MR books are Max and Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports. This new book will be full with deseption, adventure, FAX!, and suprise. It is have to read. Here is the summery:

Max and the Flock are flying high over Africa, but this time they're not alone. A sky full of cargo planes accompanies the team as they bring much-needed aid to the continent's poverty stricken regions. Among the volunteers is the mission's benefactor—the mysterious billionaire, Dr. Hans Gunther-Hagen. Max is intrigued by his generosity, but there's also something about him—and his intense scrutiny of the Flock—that makes her nervous.

But Dr. Hans isn't the only puzzling thing about their trip. The Flock also receives a cryptic message from a young girl, who tells them, "The sky will fall." Max and the Flock are ready to return home, still unable to make sense of her statement. But the surprises don't end with their departure, and something unbelievably momentous shakes up the Flock—pushing Max and Fang closer than ever. Will the team be able to stick together through the chaos?



For years, Max. Has been desperately on the run from evil forces trying to prevent her from her destiny to save the world--but nothing has ever rocked her world like this horrifying prophetic message. Fang is Max's best friend, her soul mate, her partner in leading her flock of winged children. A life without Fang is a life unimaginable.

Max's desperate desire to protect Fang brings the two closer than ever. But their world is turned upside-down yet again when another winged boy, the beautiful Dylan, is introduced to the flock. Raised in a lab, like the flock, he exists for only one reason: He was created to be Max's perfect other half.

Now a battle of science against soul and perfection versus passion unfolds, twists, and turns...and meanwhile, the apocalypse is coming.



Monday, February 22, 2010

My sister is such a hypocryte. Not sayin why but... so right now i have to research about murder charges. It's kind of weird! I finished writing an awsome poem yesterday and i've got to say i think it's pretty good! My parents are laughing at home videos while my bro is reading and my sister is coloring and singing. La La La! So in choir we have to sing the most ridiculus song and i know i probably spelt ridiculus wrong but i suck at spelling. Email me, facebook me, call me, do what ever. TALK TO ME!

Sydney LaRee

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Anyone who doesn't have a facebook needs to get one! it rocks. go on facebook and look at my photo album called classic family moments and more. It's very cute.
Okay there is somthing wrong with the video bar on the right for some reason it keeps showing some asian guys instead of my videos so just go to this site
You guys should TOTALY check out the videos to the right. If you watch the one of e singing and playing " A Thousand Miles" Then i know i played really fast and my voice totaly cracked. I LOVE WE THE KINGS!

Friday, February 19, 2010

WOW its italian!

This is the post below in italian!

Alla fine ho fatto un im blog così felice! Hope you like it too!
Ok ho avuto modo di copiare qualcosa dal blog di Sarah
perché I just love it! Ma ho cambiato i nomi e luoghi
in esso si applica quindi a me.

Beh, io non sono più sola, mi sono fidanzata!
Volete sapere chi sono impegnato a?

Well, do ya?


Haha just kidding.

Beh, io sono impegnato a Taylor Lautner!
Ci sposeremo appena mi capita di incontrare
e lui decide che sto freaking awesome
e lui si innamora di me <3

Il mio piano:

Ci vediamo in qualche film in cui io sono un

Poi, lui ti chiede di uscire con lui e alcuni
del cast.

Più tardi, lui mi chiede out (su una data ... non HANGING
out ... o andando al di fuori;)

Cadrà in amore con me e proporre il mio 20
compleanno (3 anni più tardi)

Allora dirò "Non fino a quando non aderire alla mormon
Chiesa! "

E siccome lui è totalmente innamorato di me, avrà
i missionari venire.

He'll rendo conto che è la vera chiesa, unire, e ottenere battezzati
e tutto.

Poi ci sposeremo in Roma, il tempio !!!!!!!!!!!! Italia

Non vedo l'ora :)!!!

Poi ci sono 2 o 3 bambini (le ragazze ovviamente), di nome Briana, agosto e Jezabel.

E noi tutti viviamo felici e contenti! Sì, sempre felici e contenti! (Che dice yep, sempre felici e contenti)

Quindi buonanotte a tutti e io ti amo per sempre! Quindi buonanotte a tutti e io ti amo per sempre!

Wow isn't that just amazing!

src="" style="border: 0 !important; background: transparent;"/>

ti amo per sempre!

I finally made a blog im so happy! Hope you like it too!
Ok I have got to copy something from Sarah's blog
because I just love it! But i changed names and places
in it so it applies to me.

Well, I'm not single anymore, I'm engaged!
You wanna know who I'm engaged to?

Well, do ya?


Haha just kidding.

Well, I'm engaged to Taylor Lautner!
We're getting married as soon as I meet
him and he decides that I'm freaking awesome
and he falls in love with me <3

My plan:

I'll meet him in some movie where I'm an

Then, he'll ask to hang out with him and some
of the cast.

Later, he'll ask me out (on a date...not HANGING
out...or going outside ;)

He'll fall in love with me and propose on my 20th
birthday ( 3 years later)

Then I'll tell him "Not until you join the mormon

And since he's totally in love with me, he'll have
the missionaries come over.

He'll realize it's the true church, join, and get baptized
and everything.

Then we'll get married in the Rome, Italy temple!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait :)!!!

Then we'll have 2 or 3 kids (girls of course), named Briana, August, and Jezabel.

And we'll all live happily ever after!Sì, sempre felici e contenti!(that says yep, happily ever after)

So goodnight everyone and I love you forever! Quindi buonanotte a tutti e io ti amo per sempre!